Who Am I?
Teacher; Author; Coach
- Certified Professional Coach
- Author of “Love on the Mountain”
- Longtime teacher of A Course of Love and A Course in Miracles
- Professional Educator
- Public Speaker

What I REALLY have to offer , in fact, the only thing of value anyone has to offer…is my willingness. I am willing to live what I teach and report back honestly. I am willing to show up with an open heart and listening ear to reflect your own wisdom back to you. I am willing to treasure your beauty and wisdom until you clearly see it yourself.
When my willingness to receive, share, and channel universal wisdom meets your willingness to unfold into your true Self, magic happens. You become more of the real you, your authentic Self, your connected Self.
If this idea makes your heart beat a little faster, I’d love to work with you. Many levels of sharing are available, with a variety of free and low cost options. Check out my services page to learn more.