Would anyone else like to have more fun?

funny woman
    • Are you worried about the state of the world? The world needs your light, not your worry. You’re a creator!
    • Use your power to increase love AND lightheartedness in the world. This is genuine spiritual work the world needs.


Lighthearted Enlightenment

a powerful and intensely enjoyable Group Program

  • Use your energy to bring more light to your family, your relationships, and Planet Earth.
  • Join with others of like mind to play and grow together
  • Develop techniques to nurture your own light heart
  • Discover how to make every day of your life more enjoyable, regardless of circumstances
  • Remember how much fun it is to play

Here’s everything you need to remind you how to live from your own lightness of Being:

  1. Weekly video teachings to watch at your leisure
  2. Fun, interactive weekly group Zoom meetings to practice having fun together
  3. Support tools and handouts to reinforce each lesson
  4. Email access to the coach for specific or private issues
  5. Master mind groups and breakout pairings with like-minded people from all over the world
  6.  Weekly laser coaching and Q &A sessions

  • “I look forward to Laurel’s group all week long. The support and teaching I get is so valuable to me.”
“Something magical happens when we meet. I understand concepts on a level I didn’t get on my own. Everything is so heart-centered.”
“Laurel is the real deal…authentic, practical, open-hearted, and always ready to explore. She lives what she teaches and is always bringing us fresh ideas.”
For a limited time, you can enjoy the full group experience for only $99 for 4 weeks!  ($500 value)
August 4, 11, 18, 25
  • A weekly 15-20 minute video teaching on the weekly topic to be watched at your leisure.
  • Weekly Live Calls with small group work, Q&As and laser coaching experiences
  • Email access to Laurel for individual support
  • Fun, convenient, and useful tools to enhance your journey
  • Interactive group fun
Pricing: $99 for 4 Weeks! 
Limited time only.  Space is Limited!
Hurry – Groups Begin Soon!
    • Week 1 – The Role of Fun on the Spiritual Path. Learn how having fun actually speeds your individual awakening process while bringing more love into the world. Discover how everyone benefits when you shift your perspective. Move over, serious doomsday living. Light dispels dark.

    • Week 2 – Common barriers to having fun. Explore your history with fun, release old beliefs that no longer serve you, and reclaim your birthright as a playful creator. Confront old conditioning in order to replace it with a new attitude of playfulness.

    • Week 3 – Practicing daily, unconditional fun. Identify about your personal play style. Foster habits to live every day lighter and more alive. Practice bringing more joy into everyday life, regardless of circumstances. Fun isn’t an elusive, fleeting experience that happens only when conditions are perfect; it’s available every day.

    • Week 4 – Making time for Intentional Fun. Explore tips and tricks for scheduling more fun in your life. Learn how to make the most of your leisure time. Find ways to fully enjoy your alone time AND engage in satisfying play time with others. Having fun is good Self-Care.

Everyone in your life will benefit from your work in this group, but you will benefit the most.

Tweak your habits and change your mindset to enjoy every day of the rest of your life!


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