Everyone feels the tension. We’re bombarded with signs of conflict and chaos every day. Our very planet is under threat, and we feel helpless to fix it. News of wars, famine, injustices, rape, violence, greed, starvation, and multiple catastrophes reach our ears every day, while we munch on our avocado toast or sail down the road in our vehicles. The battle between fear and love seems to have infected every aspect of life on earth, and it feels like love is losing.
What’s one person to do? In the midst of all this, how do we maintain any semblance of peace of mind in our daily lives?
The goal of living peacefully and shining the light of love is more than an individual aspiration. All of creation needs us to live from a place of peace. As an awakening human, maintaining peace of mind is your most important calling, the biggest contribution you can make to this planet.
It’s crucial that you frame this constant chaos accurately in order to continue your personal evolution as a contributor to our collective well-being. More than ever before, those who aspire to lead spiritual lives need to step into the role of those who anchor humanity to the reality of oneness, not the lie of fear and separation.
Shine your light as a beacon of hope in a frightened world. Here’s how:
First, Understand What’s Really Happening
Recognize that the energetic source of the current tension and conflict has to do with growth, with evolution. Humanity is in the process of shifting to the next stage of evolution. As a species, we’re shifting out of the “Me and mine” stage, out of self-preservation and self-protection, into the “us and ours” stage of human development. We’re on the verge of recognition that everything shares the same source and is essentially connected.
This truth is why we all long for connection. Fear-based thinking is on its way out.
Those beings who are still convinced they are separate feel the energetic shift too. They’re part of collective consciousness, and they don’t understand what’s happening. The recognition of impending change is propelling them more deeply into fear-based behavior in an effort to hang onto the security of what they believe (separation). They feel threatened. Actions like trying to legislate personal values, buying and using guns, attempting to control education, electing leaders they view as strong father-protector figures, and projecting shadows onto others who aren’t like them are all caused by fear of the collective energy shifting under their feet.
In their minds, they’re fighting to survive. Imagine how that must feel. What’s it like to genuinely believe your way of life, your values, and your very existence are being threatened? No wonder they’re acting to defend themselves.
Understand that it’s fear that motivates them. When their fearful behavior is returned with judgment and self-defensiveness, fear wins the day for everyone involved. When inflammatory social media posts and false news reports are met with fiery retorts and oppositional name-calling, separation is reinforced on both sides.
The point of your interaction isn’t to determine who is right and who is wrong. Your real objective is open-hearted joining with the Christ in them.
“Would you rather be right or happy? Only the ego would choose being right over happiness.”
A Course of Love 10.17
Your role isn’t to disprove the rhetoric. Overlook it instead and turn your awareness toward the heart you share. When you slide past the fearful ideas, you demonstrate that living with an open heart is safe.
This is an energetic shift, so use your energy to demonstrate the power of your light. Receive them without judgment. Pray for them. Practice lovingkindness meditation. Treat them as you would an innocent child. Fear exchanged for judgment reinforces fear. It’s not easy, but you have the ability to disallow judgment from your speech and actions. Since you are also in the process of waking up from separation, this will require commitment and intention on your part, but it’s the biggest contribution you can make to realizing unity.
Do This Daily
An important part in your role in this energetic shift is to keep your energy positive and look for unity in everything and everyone. I’m not talking about a shallow, Pollyanna-like point of view. No spiritual bypassing, where you dismiss your challenges in order to stay cheerful. You still need to do your own work. When disturbances and confusion arise, do inquiry. Journal, feel, ask your guides for clarity, and be willing to face your limiting beliefs so you can choose to release them.
Intentionally choose habits to reinforce your desire to live from love instead of fear:
Don’t Add Fuel to Fear-Based Thinking:
- DON’T watch or listen to a lot of news. You can still tune in to headlines once a day or skim a newsletter you trust, but don’t spend a lot of time marinating in what’s wrong with the world and don’t make it the main topic of conversation among political allies.
- DON’T engage in social media political controversy. Let your posts and comments bypass politics. At this point, you’re not going to change anyone’s mind anyway.
- DON”T get sucked into arguments with the opposition. Just skim past any hooks or invitations to engage in political discussions.
- DON’T devote your life to political activism. Do your part as you’re led from your heart. Vote, donate money, lend support to causes you feel convicted about, but do it with equanimity and without judgment or anger. Let your contributions remain private, according to your convictions.
Do Habits to Keep your Energy Positive:
- Get out in nature regularly. Practice extending your energy to plants, people, and animals you meet.
- Listen to music that raises your energy or soothes your nerves, depending on what is needed.
- Choose movies, television shows, books, and games that raise your vibration. Avoid horror and violence. Those shows can affect your nervous system even if you’re not aware of it.
- Spread the love in public. Smile and be generous with strangers in the public sector. Show them you’re not afraid. Seek to connect through the heart you share.
- When you have a complimentary thought about someone, express it. Let people know you see them and support them. (This raises both of your vibrations.)
- Let loved ones off the hook. Don’t expect others to meet your expectations. Be a cheerleader, not a critic. Give them a pass whenever you can.
- Support yourself. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Congratulate yourself for every success. Accept yourself every single day, no matter what.
- Be grateful. At the end of every day, acknowledge the positive things you experienced that day.
- Ask for help when you get stuck. You’re not alone. Millions of beings are working toward the same shift to love. Ask for help from what I call your “team,” the group of angels, ancestors, guides, beings, and energies who support your efforts. If you ask for help, you will receive it.
The energetic essential shift to love and wholeness is inevitable.
So why should you commit to it?
- Life will be way more fun and more satisfying.
- You’ll experience the thrill of being in active relationship with everyone you encounter.
- You get to bypass conflict on a daily basis.
- You’ll be tuned into your heart’s guidance, which will lead toward more adventures.
- Giving up fear and judgment is a huge relief. You’ll be lighter, freer.
- Your remaining blockages to love will be exposed so you can release them.
- You’ll be in alignment with the flow of life instead of trying to control life. Your frustration levels will fall to almost nothing.
Peace of mind is possible, even in this time of fear and conflict. Perfection isn’t expected or required. Your willingness and commitment are all that is asked of you.
Your willingness and commitment will change the world.
Want community and guidance on this path of living the light? Consider joining a group program of “Lighthearted Enlightenment.” Groups are forming now.
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