So…What happened to all the lightworkers and seekers? Was it all just wishful thinking?
Remember “Lightworkers?” Back in the day, a lightworker harnessed the power of the universe to manifest a new world. These jedi humans would shift the world into a “New Age,” one where love and manifestation were real.
The vision of an instant New Age ushered in by blissful humans might seem a bit naïve now, but it was an important step in the birth of a new idea. Meanwhile, all those idealistic seekers were being trained by life, along with big doses of humility and practicality. Which brings us to now when all those seasoned and mature lightworkers are called to step forward again. No crystals and mantras this time. No gurus or formal vows required.
This powerful new assignment is to maintain peace of mind from within your current life and to live from a lighthearted perspective of trust and gratitude for what is here now.
It may seem counter-intuitive to ask you to have fun in the midst of a world embroiled in escalating wars, widespread famine, real-time climate crises, and explosive political differences, but that’s what’s required. The antidote to a fearful world is for you to demonstrate your faith in the power of love to win over fear, to live every day anchored in love, unafraid. Nothing real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists.
Light is more than the opposite of darkness; it’s the opposite of heavy.
Humor me (pun intended) for just a moment. The world feels heavy right now, burdened by its many woes and conflicts. Indeed, if we were merely sophisticated animals whose very existence depends on the health and well-being of this planet, alarm would be warranted. But we know we are more than these human identities. We have glimpsed truth, and it cannot be unseen.
In the eyes of a seasoned lightworker, the floundering world is a temporary reflection. Humanity’s current panic attack is a response to changing energies, a resistance to our shared recognition that we are inching closer to the tipping point of evolution when “us” replaces “me” in our collective human mind. That part of humanity which strongly identifies as individual identities isn’t happy about this movement.
Where will you invest your energies during this transition? Do you support love or fear?
Are you worried about what happens if the bad guys win, or do you trust the process? Do you engage in discussions and commentaries about how bad things are? Do you want to perpetuate the story of lack and the need for self-protection?
Remember: You are not alone in the effects of your thinking. Is fear the story you want to support and reinforce?
I’m not advocating for active denial, a head-in-the-sand approach or even a positive thinking technique. I’m suggesting that we nurture our lightness of being and interact with others from a place of trust and peace of mind. We model another way to be in the world, setting an example of a different response to chaos.
Here’s How It Works
It’s not an easy assignment. Despite our best efforts, we’re still human and are part of the human collective. We’ve had generations of fear-based thinking to transcend. Our trusting, lighthearted responses have the power to affect the collective, but it’s not easy to move in the opposite direction against the world’s momentum.
When we choose to enjoy life and embrace what is, we’re traveling against traffic. We’re working to reverse the flow of collective energy while still inextricably connected to it. For better or worse, we’re all part of the same interconnected whole. Therefore, we evolve together or not at all. That’s just how it works.
We’ve Learned That:
- Intentions are powerful
- Energy is contagious
- Love and fear both spread like viruses
- We have resources for support
This is more than a pretty idea or a technique to be happier. In order to succeed, we need to approach this work consciously and intentionally, with commitment and focus. All of our experiences have prepared us for this moment, but we need to be conscious about it. It’s a little bit of a joke: The universe needs you to have more fun, to fully enjoy your life, and to maintain your peace of mind. Tough duty.
Can we count on you? Will you put your lightworker cape back on and have fun for the good of humanity and the planet? Are you willing to choose love over fear one more time?

Want Help and the support of Community on this path? Would you welcome reminders about how to have fun and enjoy life? Be part of my new group program dedicated to launching willing partners on a path of “Lighthearted Enlightenment.”
Together we’ll…
- Explore ways to break through the momentum of fear-based perception
- Identify and release our own barriers to enjoying life
- Remember how to play, to interact joyfully, to discover life’s delights
- Set ourselves up with powerful resources to support us when we flounder
- Have a joy-filled, intimate sharing with dedicated other-selves
Check out the details here: https://laurelelstrom.com/groupcoaching/