Live the life you came to live

Coach, Author, Teacher
Laurel Elstrom
After a career in teaching and marketing, I’ve turned toward my true passion: Self-realization. My life is one of inquiry-writing, teaching, and coaching as I go. It’s an honor to share what I learn with others who also yearn for authentic spiritual growth, happiness that doesn’t depend on circumstances, and deep personal integrity.
As part of my teaching, I published a spiritual guidebook, “Love on the Mountain: A Guide to Self-Discovery.” http://Love on the Mountain. It’s available to purchase on this site and on (It follows the Forty Days and Forty Nights from The Dialogues of “A Course of Love.”) I’m also a contributing author to two other books about A Course of Love, as well as a contributing writer for Miracles Magazine, the UK’s Miracle Worker Magazine, and A Course of Love’s Embrace Newsletter.
My newest project is exploring the possibility of “shared awakening” experiences. Through leading weekly ACOL classes for more than a decade, I’ve discovered that something exciting happens when individuals intentionally enter sacred space together. My new group programs build on those experiences and offers avenues for diverse people to enter into dynamic, supportive, and intimate relationship together.
Centered around different themes with specific teachings and supportive activities, our interactive, shared experiences create an environment of safety and connection that’s fluid and alive, a palpable recognition of Oneness. Awareness and development of shared connections serves both individuals and our collective consciousness. Studies have shown that these kinds of connections are sorely needed to create a better world. Check out my Services page for information on upcoming group programs.
As a certified professional lifecoach, I also work with individuals who are ready to break free of barriers that hold them back from living full, rich lives as their true selves.
Whether you’re drawn to group work, individual coaching, or independent study, there’s something here for you. I’m so glad you’re here.
How May I Help You?
My goal is to empower and support people to live their happiest, most authentic lives. I invite you to explore the following options to see if any might be right for you.

Work One on One
Sometimes people need privacy. When you work with me one-on-one, I'll help you identify and overcome whatever blockages are preventing you from living the life you want.

Work in a Group
Supportive relationships make everything more fun. Group classes and coaching groups provide companionship and genuine connection as you grow.

Work on your Own
If you're not ready to share your journey, there's still a lot here for you. Read blog posts and find links to my You Tube videos and my book.
What do I teach?
I don’t promote any kind of belief system. I’ll always encourage you to look for whatever is true in your experience. Self-inquiry is the cornerstone of lasting growth and genuine Self-love. I encourage people to tell the truth, both to themselves and to to others. That’s not as easy as it sounds!
Most of us are so accustomed to living according to outside standards and belief structures, we’re not in the habit of looking for truth within ourselves. Like hamsters on a treadmill, we go through life in reactive mode, spinning our wheels trying to get somewhere that feels better than this. Yet inside, we long for a life that offers something more than constant effort and frequent disappointment.
My job as a coach and teacher is to hold up a mirror for you to clearly see your own amazing face. I want you to follow your life path, not some ideal that won’t make you happy even if you get there. You have all the ingredients you need to live an authentic and satisfying life. Powerful and long-lasting transformation is possible if you are willing to explore.